Thursday, September 23, 2010


 So far are athors are Epic Life xx
                                DeAd SkItTlEs
             and             twisted unknown but twisted doesnt get on as much

                                  here are what we each do ok um epic he writes in purple and hes incharge of the fashion stuff
                                crissy writes in green and  is incharge of the ow updates on monday wendsay friedayy and saturday
                                   DeAd SkItTles write in lite blue and she does gem codes and the updates on  tuesday thursday and sunday

                                    if ur wondering about twisted she writes in red and she puts watevvaer she wants since she is the owner but she put meh (dead skittles) in her place sorta since she cant get on much

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hey so I am using purple from now on :D!! Okay question time (No prize). What is your favorite item on Our World mine is black and white Fu Lion Claws. I have no more skin disease O.O  . What is your favorite dance move also? Mine is Gennie!!

Dead Skittles Gem Codes



raven mart is open with  some great deals so check out now before its too late

Raven's Mart

Click Here to view more pictures.

Web Hunt #41 Anwers

1. Yellow
2. You gave this submission a vote of “5″
3. XxCullen CrewxX
4. Play more games in ourWorld button
5. Frosty the Snowman
6. (Enter ourWorld username here)

Send Answers Here:

Have Fun

~Crissy (Crissy x3)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Im Makin a Crew! :D (Maybe On Oct. 11)

~Crissy (Crissy x3)

Fashion! (Guys fashion)

           Hey! Robert here just for the guys today! Guys here is some fashion items to get to look cxii:

  • Asphalt sneakers (10 gems)
  • Asphalt rolled-up jeans, Black and white (Lvl 11) (1,200 coins) (13 gems)
  • Frequency belt (Lvl 71) (23,800 coins) (9 gems) P.s. All the colors of them are good to me
  • Addison Hair (A must have) (Lvl 23) (4,450 coins) (24 gems) 
  • Gloves (anyone it just looks better with gloves)
  • Wings (I prefer the wraith wings since they pop out) (Lvl 70) (91,500 coins) (23 gems)
  • Peppermint candy (use a light color but not to light so it pops out) (Lvl 70) (34,300 coins) (9 gems so a great deal if you use gems!)
  • Potion (Combine potions to make an original) (Lvl 70) (80,000 coins) (18 gems so that is a really good deal with gems!!)
  • Devil tail (what it just looks cxii) (Lvl 70) (57,200 coins) (14 gems) 
  • Crew strappy vest (Any color is good) (Great colors!) (21 gems)
  • Claws (The fu lion claws) (Great item) (Only available in Dark and light mystery boxes 09")
  • Sprites (I prefer I plan Black sprite and a white sprite) (Lvl 70) (Different amount of coins and gems) (It someone that people will catch eye of)
  • VFC Bobby Shirt (any color is cxii) (18 gems)
  • Skully Beanie (Any color is good) (19 gems) 
And this has been your fashion report. I will add more later!
~Robert (Epic Life xx)

Monday, September 20, 2010

New author!

Hello I am your newest author here. My name is Robert and I shall be posting here as often as I can. I am a volunteer on ow so I will give you guys some updates! If you would like to add me on Our World my username is Epic Life xx. Okay now to talk about my life: I am a very nice person, I soon will become a resident so I will have some brand new looks, I have scene hair which is awesome, and at the moment I have scabies but tomorrow it will be gone (I hope). On Our World I am a veteran, a veteran on Ow to me has to have their account for over 1 year and a half. I will be trying post some new looks for guys and girls so keep an eye out for those. Okay enough reading, comment so I can get to know you! Don't forget to add me!

~ Robert (Epic Life xx)

Gem Codes And Holloween Update

Weekly: D709-03A5-F185-8907

Facebook: D2A2-A85E-CE51-AE13


:] Halloween Costumes [: (They're Out Now! Go Check'em!)


Black Beard
Black Beard clothing set MALE

Caveman clothing set MALE

Classy Devil clothing set MALE

Cosmic clothing set MALE

Dr Science clothing set MALE

Giant Head clothing set MALE

Horror Movie clothing set MALE

Trick or Treat clothing set MALE

Witch Doctor Hair MALE


Black Beard clothing set FEMALE

Caveman clothing set FEMALE

Classy Devil clothing set FEMALE

Cosmic clothing set FEMALE

Dr. Science clothing set FEMALE

Giant Head clothing set FEMALE

Horror Movie clothing set FEMALE

Trick or Treat clothing set FEMALE

Witch Doctor Hair FEMALE

New Sprites

Black Beard

~Crissy (Crissy x3) and Welcome To Our Website Robert ^_^